Sunday, July 22, 2012

Let Us Dance The Beat of Avocado Salsa

Avocado Salsa
Avocado Salsa

As part of my continuous recovery, I am oblige to discover healthier foods that are locally available here in the Philippines. Every Sunday, it is my routine to go to the market to buy stocks for the whole week, this will lessen the time and prevent hassle in preparing what to cook for every meal. I discovered that there were lots of ripe avocados that can be buy from the street vendors. Maybe it is their season of abundance. One of the vendor had offered me and without any second thought I bought 2 kilos. My daughter asked me what shall I do with it and I said, just watch and eat. She was only familiar with adding sugar and milk. Sometimes she doesn't want avocado because of its bitterness and color.

Some nutritionists conducted studies that Avocado contains carotenoid lutein, carotenoids, zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene,and even significant amounts of vitamin E that can combat prostate cancer.

They believe that it also have high levels of phytonutrients or phytochemicals – plant compounds thought to have health-protecting qualities – that are often found in dark colored fruits and vegetables. This compound can prevent Oral Cancer.

For diabetic person, avocado can also be good for them. Avocados also offer vitamin E that helps neutralize free radicals, folate that may lower homocysteine levels in the blood, and fiber that helps regulate blood sugar levels. All of these functions offer important benefits for people with diabetes. Ounce-per-ounce, avocados rank highest in monunsaturated fat, vitamin E, folate, potassium, magnesium, lutein, beta-sitosterol and glutathione, compared to other commonly eaten fruits. (

After we arrived from the market, I immediately prepare a recipe which I think it can be interesting for the whole family since this is not common for us.


  • 2 ripe avocados (sliced and cut into cube)
  • 3 tomatoes (smaller size than the avocado)
  • chopped fresh cilantro (it depend on how many cup that you want)
  • shallots or onion (sliced)
  • squeeze juice of lime (kalamansi)
  • 3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil (or virgin coconut oil)
  • 2 pickled jalapeno chili, minced
  • fresh ground black pepper
  • big pinch salt


  • Toss all ingredients together in a bowl
  • Leave it for 4 hours to let the aroma combine with its other.
  • Best serve if you have pita bread, nachos or tacos. 
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Famous Ensaladang Pako

Fern Salad

After experiencing a two times of seizure, I was more conscious of my food intake. I make sure that there is always a vegetable and fruits in every meal, I limit the rice in my plate to one scoop and increase those recipe that I know it can boost my health.

As I researched thru the internet, I came across this rare recipe which is almost unknown to the young generation. They call this as Ensaladang Pako or Pako Salad. The main ingredient of this recipe is the fiddle-head fern combined with a twist of different Philippines available mixture.

I have tried to copy the photo that had captivated my attention. And when I tasted it, I found out that it turns-out to be nice. So I am sharing to you the Ingredients and preparation in making it.

  • Paco Tops / Fiddle-head Ferns
  • Sliced Shallots or Onions 
  • Sliced Tomatoes
  • Salted Egg (Itlog na Pula) 
  • Vinegar (preferably apple cider)
  • Kalamansi
  • Orange Zest
  • Kesong Puti (Caraboa's Milk Cheese)
  • Fish Sauce 
  • Sugar

Needed Materials:

  • Hot water
  • Ice cubes


  • Submerge fiddle-head fern into the hot (boiling) water for about a minute.
  • Transfer the fern in a cold water with ice cubes to stop from being cook.
  • Remove the fern from the water and drain it thoroughly.
  • From a separate bowl, mix vinegar, sugar and fish sauce to make a vinaigrette.
  • Combine the fern with sliced shallots and tomatoes.
  • Toss it with vinaigrette.
  • Squeeze with some kalamansi.
  • Then top with sliced salted-egg and kesong puti.
  • Lastly, designed and scattered the orange zest.

 Photo from
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

There's A Fetus In My Palate


Aside from Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian and Filipino, maybe the most disgusting food that a foreigner may consider in their list is the balut. According to Tim Cameron of, he listed balut as his top "Most Terrifying Foods in the World". Even the well-known chef and foodie Andrew Zimmern has a hard time in swallowing this considered bizarre food. So what is balut all about?

Balut/balot is a fertilized duck embryo that's boiled alive and eaten in the shell. Popularly believed to be an aphrodisiac and considered a high-protein, hearty snack, balut are mostly sold by street vendors in the regions where they are available. It is commonly sold as streetfood in the Philippines. -

Here in the Philippines, almost all Filipinos have tasted balut except for those people who are choosy with their food. This food is mostly eaten with salt or seasoned vinegar. This is to neutralized the flavor. Balut is mostly accompanied by a broth and believe to be the albumen. This can be sipped prior to the whole part. Baluts are mostly being sold by street vendors during at night

Aside from eating the egg in a shell, balut is also wrapped with cornstarch and they deep fried. In some restaurants, they serve balut in different ways. They have adobong balut, balut soup, balut tempura and sizzling balut.

According to some historians, balut is not native to the Filipinos. They believe that it was originated in China and being brought by the traders and immigrants during the pre-colonization era. Pateros in Metro Manila is well-knowned as the balut capital of the Philippines
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Monday, March 19, 2012

How Do You Carry Kare-Kare?

Just I have thought that curry dishes (Indian food) is similar to the well-known Kapampangan dish "Kare-Kare". The looks maybe similar but the preparation is very different. So what is kare-kare anyway?

Kare-Kare is considered a stew dish which need the meat to boil for long hours in order to become tender. The typical meat that is use are the oxtail, offal/tripe and ox leg. This food is compose of peanut sauce with a variety of vegetables that are included after the meat have undergone the tenderization. It is common to serve with bagoong (shrimp paste) when eating

According to some food historians this dish has originated from the province of Pampanga, the culinary center of Philippines. But others said that it was that Moro's who has this because in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi this dish is popular to them, they even speculated that this food is being serve long before the arrival of Spaniards in Manila to the elite member just like the datus and rajahs.

Because of complication in preparing it, a typical Filipino can't afford to have this in their everyday's menu. In Pampanga where it originates, during fiesta this are common in every table. You can find this dish also among fine dining Filipino restaurant with a mild twist depending on the chef. Also Kare-kare can be bought in karinderia (side street pre-cook restaurant), but don't demand the authentic one because there might be an absence of one or two ingredients.

Kare kare a la  Bistro Burgos 


  • Ox tail
  • Ox leg(optional but better if you have it)
  • Ox tripe/offal

  • 2 pcs of eggplant - sliced it in slant
  • 1 banana bud/heart/flower - sliced in diagonal
  • 5 pieces of pechay
  • 1 bundle of string beans

Other Ingredients :
  • 2 cups of peanut butter
  • 5 cloves of garlic - finely chopped
  • 1 big onion - sliced thinly
  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil

How to cook:
  1. Wash the ox tail, legs and beef. Cut into serving pieces. Place in a heavy saucepan with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, remove the scums as it rises, cover, add more water if you need to. Kare kare is better if the meat is tender. Let simmer until the meat is tender this will take about 1-2 hours.
  2. Transfer the meat into a plate or a bowl and let it cool, set aside the stock. (While others cooked the meat one day ahead, put it into the fridge to solidify the fat and remove it when cooking.)
  3. In a large caserrole put the cooking oil to saute the garlic and onion in about 30 seconds.
  4. Put the meat in the skillet and continue mixing.
  5. Pour in the stock and bring to a boil for another 10 minutes.
  6. Add the vegetables.
  7. In a small bowl, stir the peanut butter with about 1/2 cup of stock and pour it in the caserrole. Stir to blend well. Cook for another 5-10 minutes until the sauce is thick.
  8. Serve hot with bagoong alamang and boil rice.

Photos from and
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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Halo-halo, The Seasonal Flavor of Summer


Because Philippines is known as a tropical country, the weather during the summer months are extremely hot. Every Filipino have its own way to beat the heat. Some are spending their vacation in the beach to refresh their body from the humid of summer, others may find the cheapest way to cool down the temperature and that's to eat the seasonal flavor of summer, halo-halo.

Halo-halo (from Tagalog word halò, "mix") is a popular Filipino dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans and fruits, and served in a tall glass or bowl.

Ingredients include boiled kidney beans, garbanzos, sugar palm fruit (kaong), coconut sport (macapuno), and plantains caramelized in sugar, jackfruit (langkâ), gulaman, tapioca or Tae, nata de coco, sweet potato (kamote), pounded crushed young rice (pinipig). In terms of arrangement, most of the ingredients (fruits, beans, and other sweets) are first placed inside the tall glass, followed by the shaved ice. This is then sprinkled with sugar, and topped with either (or a combination of) leche flan, purple yam (ubeng pula), or ice cream. Evaporated milk is poured into the mixture upon serving. (from wikipedia)

During summer, every corner of the street in the Philippines is fill with halo-halo vendors. They grab the opportunity to get extra income for their family. You can buy as low as seven (7) pesos to a higher price of thirty (30) pesos for a special one. Prices may also differ when you buy inside the malls and restaurants.

The preparation of Halo-halo ingredients maybe the hardest among Filipino delicacy. Every ingredients should be cook separately. Halo-halo is a representation of how the Philippines is bountiful with regards to tropical fruits.

Today, every ingredients of halo-halo can be find in the supermarkets. It shorten the long way of preparing it. When you have those, just mix all the components and you may have now the world's elusive dessert.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Magic of Adobo

chicken adobo

pork adobo

Philippines maybe known for one food trademark in terms of cuisine. And that's Adodo. Foreigners can recall our country with this food. Ask them if what's their favorite Filipino food and they will say Adobo.

As it was expected, Adobo was first introduced by the Spaniards in the 16th century during the colonization era. For the Spanish, Adobo is a process of preserving food. A marination of meat which involves seasoning ingredients and other spices.

Although it has a name taken from the Spanish, the cooking method is indigenous to the Philippines. When the Spanish conquered the Philippines in the late 16th century and early 17th century, they encountered an indigenous cooking process which involved stewing with vinegar, which they then referred to as adobo, the Spanish word for seasoning or marinade. Dishes prepared in this manner eventually came to be known by this name, with the original term for the dish now lost to history.

While the adobo dish and cooking process in Filipino cuisine and the general description of adobo in Spanish cuisine share similar characteristics, they refer to different things with different cultural roots. While the Philippine adobo dish can be considered adobo in the Spanish sense—a marinated dish—the Philippine usage is much more specific. Typically, pork or chicken, or a combination of both, is slowly cooked in vinegar, crushed garlic, bay leaf, black peppercorns, and soy sauce then often browned in the oven or pan-fried afterward to get the desirable crisped edges.

There are two meats that can be use in cooking adobo. You can use pork and chicken, others combine them. Cooking Adobo is not really hard to prepare. Its a matter of combining all the ingredients, boil to let it tender, and to adjust the sauce.

Let us try the Chicken-Pork Adobo:


  • ½ pound pork, cut into cubes
  • ¼ cup vinegar
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • 1 whole bulb garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 1 cup minced onions
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cups water
  • ½ pound chicken, cut into cubes

Combine the pork, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, onions, pepper, bay leaves and water and bring to a boil. Simmer until the pork is moderately cooked. Add the chicken and simmer for 20 minutes.

Photos from Wikipedia
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Intriguing Lokot-Lokot


Fascinated by its name, lokot-lokot was not really prominent in the entire Philippines. When I first heard the word "lokot", the first thing that it crossed in my mind is like a thing that you rolled. Then my guessed had not missed.


The Muslim communities in the Zamboanga Peninsula are known for the variety of delicacies they produce during special occasions, especially the “Hariraya” or the feast of the Eid-il-Fitr, which celebrates the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. Foremost among the goodies is the golden brown curious-looking “locot-locot” or “jaa” as the villagers call them. A lot of people actually consider it as the “queen” of the delicacies because it is the most popular and frequently asked for by guests.

It is fascinating to watch someone who is seeing the locot-locot for the first time. After asking what it is, he instantly wants to taste it, and as it crunches in his mouth his eyes light up with pleasure and he nods approvingly. Some give the okay sign or put up their thumbs enthusiastically.

If you ask how the locot-locot came about, its origin is sadly lost in the mist of time. Fortunately the ancestors of the present Muslims passed on its technology to the next generations down through the millennia. Some people believe it came from Malaysia or Indonesia as the region, including the southern Philippines, was once a part of the great Madjapahit Empire during the 13th and 14th centuries. The seafaring Malays probably brought it to our shores as they wandered freely throughout the area.

Legend has it that it was the locot-locot that inspired the appearance of the Chinese noodles, such as the sotanghon, bihon and miswa. It is said that several attempts of the people of China to imitate the locot-locot led to their creation, which over time became famous delicacies themselves.

Making locot-locot requires a lot of time and hard work. First the grains of rice have to be pounded into flour. Then the correct proportions of water and sugar are added to create a gooey mixture which is poured into a container made of coconut shell with regular small holes at the bottom, all the while it is poised above a frying pan filled with hot oil. As it turns golden brown it is deftly and expertly folded and shaped in the pan with a couple of wooden spoons to create the desired look. Watching a cook do the locot-locot is like watching an artist in motion.

You can tell a house is making locot-locot by the rhythmic sound coming from the kitchen made by the beating of the coconut container to pour out the dough into the frying pan. Some purists say if the rhythm is out of sync the locot-locot will not look attractive and enticing.

(Other infos came from the Facebook page of Taluksangay Muslim Delicacies)
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Friday, February 10, 2012

The Two Variations of Ilocandia Empanada

Vigan Empanada

Batac Empanada

Here on earth, everything have its own contrast. They might be the same in physical aspect but totally different its innate ability or maybe they have the same name but the outside look speaks for itself.

Why I have said that statement? Well, it's because our feature food for today is all about this. Although this food has came from the northern part of Ilocos. It has its own unique quality which differs from each other. I am talking to the mouth watering street food empanada.

Empanada has become popular in the Philippines through the introduction of the colonizers, the Spaniards. It was believed that this food came from Galicia, an autonomous community in northwest Spain.

According to Wikipedia, Empanada is a stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried.

The name comes from the verb empanar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. Empanada is made by folding a dough or bread patty around the stuffing. The stuffing can consist of a variety of meats, cheese, huitlacoche, vegetables or fruits among others.

With this definition, there is no definite ingredients as to what are these specifically. It might be an absence or a presence of one of those composition but the one that wrap the food may define the food as empanada.

Looking back at the origin of empanada, the Ilocanos have been one that were influenced by this food. So they created their own unique style of preparing this food with the characteristic that may define their palatable taste.

Ilocos is divided into two, the Norte and the Sur. They have the same dialect but different in preparing the empanada. The Norte which specifically from Batac, empanada's are cook using a thicker crust of dough. Livelier color attracts also the eater because they are using "achuete" to make it into orange. While the Sur version from Vigan is the opposite of the one I mention. Thinner with crisper crust even when its cold and has a pale color.

Basically, this two kinds of empanada have the same compositions, rice flour for the crust dough, fresh egg and mongo sprout filling, grated green papaya and Ilocos longanisa (take note there are also different version of longanisa from both places). The cooking procedure is the same, it is deeply fried on a boiling cooking oil.

In Vigan they dip the empanada in Ilocos black vinegar (Sukang Iloko) while in Batac they use catsup as a sauce. This variations make them totally different when it comes to taste.

Although I have tasted them both, I found it very arousing and I am dreaming them again rolling inside my mouth.

Here are two videos of two different types of cooking empanada from Ilocandia:

Photos from
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Sizzling Sisig, the Unexpected Delicacy

Sizzling Sisig

There are good things that happen unexpectedly when we experiment. Experimentation is a process to discover something new that could lead to create another thing. This had happened to Lucia Cunanan of Angeles City, Pampanga when she discovered sisig in 1974, one of the most favorite dishes in karinderia or even in a fine dining restaurant. This resulted to the prominent Aling Lucing's and was even crowned as the "The Original Sisig Queen".

Sisig is cook using a sizzling plate. The main ingredients of this dish is the pigs's head and liver that's boiled, chopped, to be seasoned with calamansi, onions and red chili peppers. It is also known as a "pulutan" but others make it as a viand and being paired with steam rice. The crispy and cruchy meat makes it more enticing plus the aromatic odor will definitely capture your smell.

Although there are other restaurants who tried to serve this dish, for me the best among them are from Sisig Hooray, Gerry's Grill and Giligans.

Today, there are other variants of sisig. For health conscious eaters be not worry they are now come in chicken, bangus and tuna.

Photo from Our Awesome Planet VGZ6M34KA2QK
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's More Fun With Sinigang


If there's one dish that Filipinos may call their own, probably it's the Sinigang.

Sinigang is a kind of stew dish known for its sour taste. It's often attach to the fruit of tamarind or sampalok. Every region has its own ingredient to use depending on the abundance of the fruit. Some use guava, kalamansi (a kind of citrus fruit), santol(Sandoricum koetjape), green mango, camias ginger lily, and others that has the sour characteristic. Due to seasonal availability of these fruits, Filipino has created the powdered soup base or bouillon cubes in tamarind base.

Sinigang can be apply in most kind of meats. The most prominent ingredient maybe the pork. I have also tried the chicken and it's fine, it more often called it as Sinampalukang Manok. Beef is rarely use. Fish like tilapia and milk fish are also common in seafoods. Likewise with shrimp which is the best among the sinigang main ingredient.

Sinigang cannot be called authentic in the absence of vegetables. In preparing sinigang, you should have tomatoes, onions, gingers (used to relinquish the fishy smell), okra, taro corms (gabi), daikon (labanos), water spinach (kangkong), string beans(sitaw) and eggplant(talong). Most Filipinos like sinigang with a kick, so they drop a green finger pepper to add some spice to the dish.

So here's the recipe of a Sinigang na Baboy:


  • 1/2 Kilo of Pork meat 
  • 2 pcs of pelled garlic 
  • 1 pc of chopped onion 
  • 3 pcs of sliced tomatoes 
  • 2 tablespoon of patis (fish sauce) 
  • Tamarind (you can use the real fruit or the powder base) 
  • 2 pcs of sliced taro corms, 
  • 6-8 strand of string beans (cut into 2 inches long)
  • 1 pc of fine slice of daikon
  • a bundle of water spinach
  • 1 - 2 pcs of  green finger pepper

How to Prepare and Cook:

  • Boil the pork meat on a 4 bowls of water in a casserole. Cook until it  becomes tender. Separate the meat but don't throw the soup.
  • When the meat is tender, saute the garlic, onion and tomatoes in a pan.
  • Put the fish sauce to taste.
  • Simmer the tender meat and taro.
  • Cover and let it boil for about 10 minutes.
  • Transfer the soup from the casserole.
  • Boil it again for 5 minutes together with the tamarind.
  • Add the daikon and green finger pepper.
  • After 5 minutes, you can put the water spinach and cover it again.
  • Now, you serve the Sinigang na Baboy and enjoy the sour taste.

Here's an another way of preparing your Sinigang. A step-by-step guide.

Photo from
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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Two Version of Chicken Inasal

Chicken Inasal

When the first bite of Chicken Inasal landed in my tongue, I thought that was already heaven for me. I still recall that first experience in a branch of Mang Inasal. That was the time when this barbeque fastfood was still 100 percent controlled by Edgar Sia II of Iloilo. Later, it was acquired by Jollibee Foods Corporation for 3 billion pesos in October of 2010 for about 70 percent of the company.

So what makes Inasal different from an ordinary chicken barbeque?

The smoked flavor added by cooking the meat on a hot charcoal grill imbibes the marinade and makes the dish tastier. This dish is also distinct for its yellowish color brought about by the application of achuete or annatto oil.

Chicken Inasal for me really suit the taste of the Filipino customers. Unlike a typical grilled barbeque chicken, this dish has different ingredients and preparation. You'll be needing time and effort before you could taste the fruit of your hardship. Normally, the chicken meat will be marinade together with the ingredients for several hours or better if it's overnight.

Before Mang Inasal has catches the taste of the Filipino, Bacolod's Inasal was already been there. I was fascinated how could this variant of inasal different from that of Iloilo version until I tried to drop-by at Joel Torre's "JT’s Manukan Grille".

As per my conclusion, Bacolod Inasal has a slightly sour taste while the Iloilo Inasal is more into sweeter side. Ilonggo's put sugar on their ingredients. Although the are not the same but I like them both.

A version of the Iloilo's Chicken Inasal that I found at Wikipilipinas that you must try:


1 whole chicken, cut into 6 parts (legs, wings, breasts)

  • 1 head garlic, macerated
  • 2 tbsps. chopped ginger
  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar (Note: this is optional if you want use the Bacolod way)
  • 1/3 cup sinamak, (native coconut vinegar)
  • 10 pieces calamansi, extract the juice
  • 3 stalks tanglad (lemon grass), julienne
  • salt and coarsely ground pepper

Basting Sauce
  • 1/2 cup Star Margarine
  • 1/4 cup atsuete (annatto seeds) oil
  • salt and pepper
  • large bamboo skewers
  • charcoal for grilling

Preparation and Cooking Process:

  • In a large bowl, place the garlic, ginger, vinegar, a small amount of sugar, tanglad, calamansi juice, salt, and pepper. Mix all the ingredients then add the chicken meat. Lightly rub the marinade on the meat. Place chicken in the chiller and let sit. After 30 minutes, turn the meat and let it sit for another 30 minutes. It is not ideal to marinate the meat overnight since the acid of the vinegar will completely break down the enzymes of the meat.
  • Meanwhile in a saucepan, over low fire, put margarine and annatto seeds. For few minutes, continue stirring until the margarine melts and the annatto seeds are well infused and have developed a deep orange color. Turn off heat then add a small amount of salt and pepper to taste.
  • After marinating the chicken, put several slits on the part near the bone to help with cooking the meat fully. Skewer the meat and cook over hot charcoal grill, skin side down, basting it once in a while. As much as possible do not turn the meat more than twice since the result will be drier meat.
  • Serve while hot together with steamed rice paired with grilled oysters and sinamak or soy sauce with calamansi and siling labuyo (red chili peppers).
Photo from Flavours of Iloilo
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sausages? How to Differentiate Vigan and Lucban Longganisa

Longaniza or longganisa in Filipino, is a kind of sausage that was first introduced by the Spaniards during the colonization era. It is closely similar to chorizo where in a ground pork is the main ingredient. Region by region has its own trademark in preparing it. But in the Philippines, the most famous maybe of its variants are the Lucban and Vigan.

Lucban Longganisa

From the province of Quezon, aside from being the Pahiyas Festival Capital, Lucban is also known because of its longganisa. Its sausage is identified for its aromatic and garlicky smell. From the ground pork, they mixed herbs such as the oregano, a squeeze juice of lemon grass and basil leaves. Carefully stuffed on a pork casing using the funnel and tie both ends with a buntal fiber. Typically, Lucban longganisa has a reddish color because of achuete.

Vigan longganisa

Similar to Lucban longganisa, the Vigan version has also the garlic flavor. But aside from being garlicky it is also sourly and salty with the distinct pungent aroma. Thanks to the Ilocos native garlic, a small but powerful spices. These garlic bits are finely combine and blended to the ground pork. The annato powder, paprika, ground pepper, kinchay, and sukang iloko will complete the sausage. The color of this sausage is more into yellowish.

The next time you buy from the supermarket you can now differentiate Lucban from Vigan longganisa.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Fish Salad or Kinilaw


Because Philippines is a country that is diverse with multi-cultural ethnicity, preparing dishes in every region have different style, taste and even ingredients. One of this food is the Kinilaw.

Basically, Kinilaw is a method of cooking raw meat in either from seafoods just like fishes and shrimps, beef, goat and some also use the exotic dog meat, using vinegar, ginger, onions and squeeze juice from citrus. Frequently, fish kinilaw is the most popular among them.

Kinilaw na isda is also consider as a viand. It is best partner with a hot steamed rice. Others also prepare this while on drinking session or even as an appetizer.

Prominent Ingredients of a Fish Salad:

  • ½ kilo fish (sliced in cubes)
  • 200 mL vinegar (from coconut sap)
  • 3 tbsp lemon or kalamansi juice
  • 1 small chopped red onion
  • 2 tbs of chopped ginger
  • 2 pcs of chopped red chili pepper(siling labuyo), optional
  • Salt and vetsin (msg) to taste

How to Prepare:
  • Marinade fish in coconut vinegar for at least 30mins to an hour
  • Drain and combine with all ingredients
  • Let stand refrigerated for about another 30mins to an hour.
  • Then serve.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Darling Laing


Today, the authenticity of every Filipino food wouldn't really matter, as long as it will suit your taste or it is a delectable dish this will be the issue.

Just like Laing which originally came from the Bicol region, today, this delicacy is also known all over the country with different ways in preparing it. But you can really enjoy a dish when you taste the authentic one. Bicolanos are consider as one of the country's greatest cooks, they have the origanal way in preparing this food, a distinct taste that others couldn't copy.

The basic ingredients of this recipe are the dried leaves or stalks of taro(dahon ng gabi), coconut milk (gata) and red chili peppers (siling labuyo). The dahon ng gabi will be slowly cooked using the coconut milk and other ingredients.


  • 2 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 tbsp peeled and minced garlic
  • 2 medium peeled and minced onion,
  • 1/2 kilo sliced porkloin
  • 1 kilo dried gabi (taro leaves and stalks)
  • 4- 5 cups coconut milk
  • shrimp paste (bagoong)
  • 3-4 pieces sliced red chili peppers (siling labuyo)
How to Cook:
  • In a casserole, Add the pork meat. Let it cook until it turns red.
  • Sauté garlic, ginger and onions together with the meat.
  • Mix in the gabi leaves.
  • Pour in the coconut milk or gata. Bring to a boil then simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Add the chili (siling labuyo), shrimp paste bagoong, salt. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • Add the coconut cream and continue to simmer until it excreat oil comes.
Photo: From Flickr
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Best Cebu Roasted Pig


When it comes to lechon, Cebu could be one of the prominent source of roasted pig in the country. They have this unique way of cooking this famous dish of the Philippines. Cebu Lechons has a distinct taste compare to others. The soft and tender meat to its crispy skin is patiently cook in a charcoal for many hours to ensure that the inner part will create an aromatic odor. Plus these lechons are not only dipped on a plain gravy but served with plum or other sauces, vinegar, or with other seasonings or accompaniments. The secret of these Cebu's Lechon might be because they are marinated for 12 hrs in a special formulation, then stuffed with lemon grass, garlic, Anise and Onions.

Some lechon shop in Cebu accept orders outside the province. You can place orders and pay it via bank-to-bank transaction or even thru money remittance like Western Union orML Kwarta Padala. But they are charging an amount if they will ship it via airfreight.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Napoleones at its best


So what is napoleones all about? Napoleones is basically made of sugar, egg, flour, butter and milk. It's like a croissant with a sweeter twist. This pastry comes in square, bite-sized flaky crust with a creamy custard cream, topped with glazing sugar.

Some speculations that Napoleones has originated from France where the Mille-feuille was really famous among the French. In the United States, they call this as Napoleon pastry.

Napoleones was first introduced in the late 90's thru Virgie’s Homemade Products in Bacolod City. It was then just an experiment being a pasalubong among the kamag-anak's but luckily it become one of their bestsellers.

To prolonged the shelf life, just make it sure that this pastry was properly stored in the refrigerator.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

My Ilocano Pinakbet

Pinakbet Vegetables

Pinakbet (pakbet or pinakebbet, meaning "shrunk") is a popular Ilocano dish from the Northern part of Luzon. This vegetable dish is more known as a regional food. But today, almost the whole country has a different way of cooking this dish.

The original Pinakbet Ilocano uses fermented fishes called bagoong or bugguong. This is to bring-out the distinct taste of the vegetables. Some part of the country invented to used bagoong alamang.

Pinakbet used basic vegetables such as bitter melon, eggplant, tomato, okra, string beans, chili peppers, parda, patani, squash. Others include root crops like sweet potatoes. In Ilocos, they even include the young pods of marunggay. It is usually spiced with ginger, onions, or garlic.

In some cases, lechon, chicharon, or other meats (most commonly pork) are added. It is considered a very healthy dish, and convenient in relation to the harsh and rugged, yet fruitful Ilocos region of the Philippines.
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Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Innovative Filipino Polvoron

When we say polvoron, it is a typical Filipino dessert that is wrap on a Japanese paper or a silky transparent colored plastic in a round form. But as time evolves, some of this prominent look had also change. Some people had transformed the conventional way of preparing the recipe.

One of them that introduce this flavored polvoron is the Postres del Cielo. They redefine it as "Heavenly Desserts".


Product Variants:

CRANBERRY - subtle sweetness of the cranberry polvoron makes it an ideal after-dinner delight. It is best serve while you are drinking wine or champagne.
KIWI - Light and tart, our kiwi polvoron has just the right mix of tangy and sweet, sure to delight dessert lovers of any age. It is best serve while having an after meal ice cream.
ROSE - Timeless and classic, you too will fall in love with the elegant flavor of rose. It is best serve during afternoon tea break.
LAVENDER - Smooth and soothing, lavender is the flavor of choice for sophisticated and discerning palates. It is best serve a companion of green tea or coffee.

Aside from the different shapes each of this variant has each unique taste that surely you love it. Chosen ingredients such as fruits are all imported and rose petals are carefully hand-picked to preserve the freshness.

You can contact the maker of these yummy polvoron:

Postres del Cielo
44 Sta. Maria St. Kapitolyo, Pasig City 1603
Phone: 635-4734
Mobile: 0918-8118115
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