Sunday, July 22, 2012

Let Us Dance The Beat of Avocado Salsa

Avocado Salsa
Avocado Salsa

As part of my continuous recovery, I am oblige to discover healthier foods that are locally available here in the Philippines. Every Sunday, it is my routine to go to the market to buy stocks for the whole week, this will lessen the time and prevent hassle in preparing what to cook for every meal. I discovered that there were lots of ripe avocados that can be buy from the street vendors. Maybe it is their season of abundance. One of the vendor had offered me and without any second thought I bought 2 kilos. My daughter asked me what shall I do with it and I said, just watch and eat. She was only familiar with adding sugar and milk. Sometimes she doesn't want avocado because of its bitterness and color.

Some nutritionists conducted studies that Avocado contains carotenoid lutein, carotenoids, zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene,and even significant amounts of vitamin E that can combat prostate cancer.

They believe that it also have high levels of phytonutrients or phytochemicals – plant compounds thought to have health-protecting qualities – that are often found in dark colored fruits and vegetables. This compound can prevent Oral Cancer.

For diabetic person, avocado can also be good for them. Avocados also offer vitamin E that helps neutralize free radicals, folate that may lower homocysteine levels in the blood, and fiber that helps regulate blood sugar levels. All of these functions offer important benefits for people with diabetes. Ounce-per-ounce, avocados rank highest in monunsaturated fat, vitamin E, folate, potassium, magnesium, lutein, beta-sitosterol and glutathione, compared to other commonly eaten fruits. (

After we arrived from the market, I immediately prepare a recipe which I think it can be interesting for the whole family since this is not common for us.


  • 2 ripe avocados (sliced and cut into cube)
  • 3 tomatoes (smaller size than the avocado)
  • chopped fresh cilantro (it depend on how many cup that you want)
  • shallots or onion (sliced)
  • squeeze juice of lime (kalamansi)
  • 3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil (or virgin coconut oil)
  • 2 pickled jalapeno chili, minced
  • fresh ground black pepper
  • big pinch salt


  • Toss all ingredients together in a bowl
  • Leave it for 4 hours to let the aroma combine with its other.
  • Best serve if you have pita bread, nachos or tacos. 
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Famous Ensaladang Pako

Fern Salad

After experiencing a two times of seizure, I was more conscious of my food intake. I make sure that there is always a vegetable and fruits in every meal, I limit the rice in my plate to one scoop and increase those recipe that I know it can boost my health.

As I researched thru the internet, I came across this rare recipe which is almost unknown to the young generation. They call this as Ensaladang Pako or Pako Salad. The main ingredient of this recipe is the fiddle-head fern combined with a twist of different Philippines available mixture.

I have tried to copy the photo that had captivated my attention. And when I tasted it, I found out that it turns-out to be nice. So I am sharing to you the Ingredients and preparation in making it.

  • Paco Tops / Fiddle-head Ferns
  • Sliced Shallots or Onions 
  • Sliced Tomatoes
  • Salted Egg (Itlog na Pula) 
  • Vinegar (preferably apple cider)
  • Kalamansi
  • Orange Zest
  • Kesong Puti (Caraboa's Milk Cheese)
  • Fish Sauce 
  • Sugar

Needed Materials:

  • Hot water
  • Ice cubes


  • Submerge fiddle-head fern into the hot (boiling) water for about a minute.
  • Transfer the fern in a cold water with ice cubes to stop from being cook.
  • Remove the fern from the water and drain it thoroughly.
  • From a separate bowl, mix vinegar, sugar and fish sauce to make a vinaigrette.
  • Combine the fern with sliced shallots and tomatoes.
  • Toss it with vinaigrette.
  • Squeeze with some kalamansi.
  • Then top with sliced salted-egg and kesong puti.
  • Lastly, designed and scattered the orange zest.

 Photo from
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